Queen of the shiny face and most likely the greatest fan of a capella ever.
Let's go hang out with Alina cuz we are bored.
by bored guy January 24, 2005
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A girl who is the most saxy in the whole galaxy and likes McDonalds and KFCs. she just wants a guy to love and romance her with two sports cars.
Hey thats Alina, lets take her to KFCs.
by gibtoe August 25, 2011
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Alina is a cool girl that is American (preferably Romanian) but living in Australia. How trippy is that. Haha well its her birthday today and thats pretty special heheh so now you can be the coolest kid in school with a web definition! WOW!

Happy Birthday Alina I hope you had a good day and some cook gifts... :P
"IM Alina and i like dance music woooo"

Person standing by: "wow how much do you wanna be like her!"
by Your friend Karl February 2, 2005
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Seems shy and unnoticeable, almost invisible at first. But once you befriend her she explodes with happiness and laughter. She is someone with a pointy nose who is fueled by sarcasm. She radiates this impossible weirdness that makes you die of laughter. She always brings a smile to your face.
Rick: Who is that?
Penelope: That's an Alina, like a sarcastic goose on a sugar high
by orange274 March 27, 2022
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God Alina
by Godxx November 22, 2021
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She is the most perfect person everr
she is so humble and down to earth
she is absolutely stunniing
she is a true friend as is there for you in your bad times
just buy her a lot of food
by alinamyg July 11, 2023
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She is just perfect
the most humble down to earth smart prettiest person
she is a true friend but buy he lots of food to keep her happy
Alina is amazing
by alinamyg July 11, 2023
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