someone who attracts lots of baddies, usually because of good looks
wow danny, you have so many women, you're an absolute chick magnet my guy
by benzo_ November 29, 2022
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A wall magnet is a person (usually a guy) who stands in a corner or by a wall during a motive. They never interact with anyone and when you seen them you wonder why they even came
Guy 1: That guy has been there since the beginning of the motive and he hasn’t talked to no one.

Guy 2: That’s bc he’s a wall magnet that just stays on their phone swiping through the Home Screen
by R177 November 2, 2021
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Much like the Colombian Neck Tie but this tie includes fire and staplers
You would look great in a Magnetic Neck Tie
by Whutu October 4, 2021
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Generally a vehicle or a vessel of some sort that attracts other males, platonically, to each other. Often this will be a large truck, sports or muscle car. Not be confused with white BMWs Or Lamborghinis that are owned by smelly Arabic dudes. Rarely this is extended to objects, such as televisions or instruments, such as guitars.
Bro 1: Cody’s new Duramax Superduty Megacab Executioner Lifted dual stack coal roller is a total bro magnet.

Bro 2: I know. Zach and Brandon totally have diesel boners for it!
by Mega Hemroids January 31, 2020
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People who attract the worst. In a call centre this would imply people who get the worst calls and yet resolve them. All of us have seen people like these at call centres, soon as they are back from a holiday, the calls start getting bad.
John was a shit magnet, his managers wanted him though.
by forgive1 December 21, 2021
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A person that attracts frauds
Katy: He told me he was 23 but he was actually 18

Lauren: Katie, how do you always fall for this stuff? You're a scam magnet.
by plat998 November 12, 2018
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When you or someone else cant keep their fingers to themselves
"Dude! She's MY girl! Keep your Magnetic Fingers to yourself!"
by BruhMeDown February 22, 2015
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