The one word that's used to describe a company or companies that care more about making money instead of why they exist in the first place.

Disney, YouTube, Nintendo, Netflix, and Facebook are examples of that.
"Space Jam 2 is the definition of Corporate" -Just Stop (Braxton), YouTube
by CartoonEarthBoy2 April 13, 2022
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Co-Worker: What is corporate gonna announce in the meeting next week?

Me: I dont know, Jan Levinson is pissed I know that
by WhyjustWhy:0 December 12, 2021
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A female that is feisty, uptight and hard-working but also friendly.Always after Business deals and involved in anything that has to do with Finance. She makes the best deal in the Organization.
Corporate does not like overfamilarity.
by Angel Ginny February 16, 2020
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A term used to describe germans who are savage or very intelligent.
That german guy is a corporate criminal.
by Simon Ambrose March 22, 2019
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In this context, the term “cowboy” has been given a negative connotation. In this sense, "cowboy" refers to those people who shoot around with empty word shells (hollow words or also buzzwords), especially in meetings with word salvos, in order to generate an impression among team members and supervisors to look as competent and intelligent as possible by using a lot of “intelligent or technical” words. This is also referred to as “bullshit-bingo” and causes a lot of hot air and dust but with a “peng-peng-wow-effect”, meaning, firstly, people are highly impressed and intimidated. But over time, team members and supervisors understand that it is just hot air and are in fact annoyed by the cowboy’s apperiance and “wana-be, joke cracking” leadership behaviour.
Their behavior is driven purely by opportunistic and egoistic nature and solely serves to present themselves strategically best in the company or in the team. Supervisors are slimed by the application of cowboyism, whereby people on the same level are run over by renewed word salvos and “peng-peng” gestures, knocked off and/or made mouth-dead.
The basic prerequisite for corporate cowboys is the lack of leadership qualities and incompetence of superiors or the deliberate promotion by other cowboys, who in turn satisfy each other's egoistic spirit in their own cowboy group to the point of neurological orgasm with their fictitious intelligence and pomposity. One calls it also "man round".
This dude is such a bullshit-bingo guy . He is a corporate cowboy......
Did you listen to Steve? He was just ..peng peng peng peng peng peng...all the time.
by Azem14 November 22, 2021
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