a fat lennon is a very common type of fat rapper, mostly born in switzerland, capable of spitting wack bars
a: damn, listen to this!
b: oh, this is a classic fat lennon!
a: it sure is bro!
by May 11, 2019
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A fat wreck is a person, usually someone who is heartbroken or fucked up over a relationship, who has eaten their feelings, usually a large amount of junk food, and perhaps alcohol, and has reached the terminal capacity for food, and has no choice except to examine themselves, and the wreckage of chip bags, pizza boxes and beer cans littering their domicile.

A fat wreck can also be a large wreck, or a big mess.
"Man, what happened to you? Why is our apartment a disgusting mess?"

"Linda broke up with me, man. I'm a fat wreck."


"That ten car pile up on the freeway was a fat wreck. Traffic was terrible."
by GabbaGee April 28, 2016
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A vulgar-slur, typically meaning Aondrea Adame.
FAT PICK- ME:: woah look! she looks just like that one fat pick-me girl!
by realkawaiipineapple2145 October 6, 2022
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Woman most men blatantly tell their crew about after flying his or her slick plane across a stripper filled night sky of the Bay Area.
I just got back from a few nights in the sky, you know I had to bring home a fat Kristy!
by GdubSon July 25, 2017
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A fat person who believes they are better than everyone they meet and cry when their opinion is not liked. Also tends to be a discord mod and have many "discord kittens".
"Russell kept kicking people from the server because his fat syndrome is acting up"
by WarzoneFiddler May 30, 2022
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