Looks: Red/brown/black hair, bandannas, side/undercut, stretched ears, high top/short shorts, baggy tops, college jackets, old baggy grandma jumpers, thick framed glasses, cross accessories.
Likes: Thrifing at vintage shops, piercings/tattoos, cold/hot coffee, reading, perfect grammar, organic food, anchors.
Music: Under ground, low key music.

* imagine*
Brown, shaggy hair, stretched ears, anchor tattoo, septum piercing, black studded high top shorts, baggy under ground band shirt, college jumper, glasses, cross necklace, drinking cold coffee while cold coffee a book.
Normal person: U sew hipster!!!1!

Hipster: I am in fact, not a "Hipster".
*goes back to reading encyclopedia*
by Normal person February 11, 2012
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The Bourgeois Bohemian. Those who strive for the starving artist image, but without the starving or the art. They represent the futility of being a young person trying to be shocking, groundbreaking and passionate in the 21st century. They're total non-conformists and don't dress like anyone else. Ever. Typically, they wear skinny-jeans with ironic t-shirts, vintage jackets and moustaches. Silly hats are optional. They also don't act like anyone else. Typically, they support obscure independent music and fair trade/ organic produce. See what I mean? There's no pidgeon-holing a hipster.

Hipster bands include Animal Collective, Vivian Girls, the Antlers and Grizzly Bear. Now that I've mentioned them, they're evil mainstream bullshit. On to the next band!
You: "See, I have a moustache. It's ironic because I'm not racist."
Me: "Fucking hipster..."
by Bill Burroughs December 7, 2010
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1. A self-aggrandizing piece of hypocrisy.
2. Consumer.
3. A sector of the "enlightened" mass culture.
See all definitions pointing to pro-Hipster "movement", paying particular attention to definition number 19.
by dr suz August 5, 2008
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A derogatory word fashionable young people use to refer to other fashionable young people that they don't like.
Ugh, John and his friends are such hipsters.
by Tinyfolk December 29, 2009
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Design arseholes.
"Look at that hipster, he's such a design arsehole."
by _TryCatch June 9, 2014
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A group of obnoxious, uneducated people who reject the social norm to an unnecessary degree. Their only goal in life is to be "different". Coincidentally, they're all the same. Most hipsters are annoying, greasy, trashy, and poor. They obsess over a style, meme, band, etc. until everyone else likes it. Once everyone else likes it, they make a big deal about how everyone is copying them and they claim to not like the style, meme, band, etc. anymore.
I'm a hipster. Who needs clothes? Everyone wears clothes, I wanna be different.
by Nikki Nightmare February 4, 2012
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Hipsters tend to wear thick-rimmed glasses, like non Top Chart music and beards.
Maddi Duncan is a total hipster, have you seen her glasses and boyfriend?
by Jack7140 September 13, 2011
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