"Sex Idiot" is a term popularized by 30 Rock. It refers to a person with whom one has a purely sexual relationship, but who is otherwise an idiot. Broadly speaking, a sex idiot is someone who is sexy, great in bed, but a total moron. One does not exclusively date a sex idiot.

See Also: pokemoning.
Person A: Uh, Jake's hot girlfriend just asked me the number for 911.
Person B: Dude, that's not his girlfriend, that's his sex idiot.
by jerkfacekillah October 28, 2012
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Someone who has not sufficiently assessed a situation and takes actions with the effect of putting themselves or others at significant risk of grave physical harm or death.
Jaime Lannister: *Charges towards a dragon.*
Tyrion Lannister: "You fucking idiot!"
by Captain Sid August 13, 2017
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The other person wrote Blue Day, It is a song by Weird Al. (:
(Spoof of American Idiot.)
Some of the words:
"Don't wanna be a Canadian idiot!
Don't wanna be some beer swillin' hockey nut!
And do I look like some frostbitten hose-head?
I never learned my alphabet from A to Zed!"
by Megan ß. November 25, 2008
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To be worse than an Idiot but a nicer way of saying Absolute Dickhead
Yo that guy over there is a pissing idiot
I hate that guy
by BIGCHAZZA December 19, 2019
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n someone who is so stupid that they defy your expectations of stupidity;
someone who digs himself into a hole until he's left making pitiful excuses
that make no sense; someone who can't remember what the truth is so he twists it
around and makes it worse than it really should be.
"that guy is a royal idiot."
by wiggensnorf December 24, 2008
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(n) when two or more idiots or idiotic things are combined, shaken, and presented for consumption resulting in increased feelings of stabbiness and rage.
While watching TV last night, an interview with a certain dim-witted female politician from Alaska was directly followed by a beer commercial featuring a "suave redneck", I felt like I had just had an idiot cocktail and had to restrain myself from going on a rampage.
by Bizzymama October 1, 2011
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