1.The feeling of being extremely intoxicated.

2.A discription of the state of mind of a person who has over indulged in illicite substances
Jane: "what did you get up to last night? you look terrible."
Joe: "I got hold of some of the old wonkey donkey and got my self totally scramble gashed. It was epic!"
by Fwah! August 26, 2009
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An expert in the field of opportunist up-skirt viewing.
"She got up from sitting on the grass extremely carefully, clenching her short skirt with her right hand to prevent it riding up. She obviously knew we were a couple of gash gawkers."
by Mr. GJ Gawker July 9, 2013
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The female equivalent of road head. A play on the word road rash, but often involving less blood, unless that's what you're into.
I gave (insert female name here) the best road gash on the way home from the movies last night. She was swirving so much she got pulled over
by Shamadizzle September 5, 2018
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A collective term used to describe attractive women. More commonly used in exotic locations or in extreme and infrequent weather conditions, such as snow etc.
"The snow brings out all the dank gash."
"What you on about Dooze?"
"There's been an abundance of dank looking girls since its been snowing. Eye candy."
by Veseylad50 February 11, 2016
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To step up to someone in a fight.
Yo quit "Gashing up" to me.
by thahib December 21, 2019
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The result when you light up someone who has a sandy vagina.
I lit up Yang this week in fantasy football and turned his sandy vagina into a glass gash.
by CrashNBernie October 23, 2019
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