a handsome, hot talented man who will never fail to amaze you. his outfits will bring out something in you. his eyes, like that of a sexy owl....will never fail to make you cream...
his way of teaching..the way he does things...the way he carries his backpack...the way he does....everything....when he eats....when he struggles to close his tiffin....when he fixes his hair...when he...WHEN HE EXISTS 💋😭😭
jackie would look great with gloria
jackie and gloria best ship <333
by softco4e July 29, 2022
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A demon sent from hell that feeds off your pain and mystery
Person 1: it’s Halloween! We should do something scary!
Person 2: No way man! Jackie’s out tonight
by Cherri.Pokki November 22, 2021
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A demon from hell sent to ruin your life and feeds off your suffering
Person 1: omg my life sucks so much

Person 2: that’s the force of Jackie
by Cherri.Pokki November 22, 2021
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Jackie is pretty crazy. Can be really silly. Sometimes she can get a little too one track minded, but she is a really cool friend to have! She adds spice and character wherever she goes, someone will always remember a Jackie! She makes this world go ‘round!
Liam: I really need a friend.

Harold: Jackie is a great option! You will really like her!
by Too_big_of_a_booty_Judy February 23, 2021
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the most beautiful gorgeous human being in the world who is also my wife :) anyone is lucky to have a jackie in their life 😌 I LOAF YOU SO MUCH
"jackie is literally so amazing'
'oh my god i know right?"
by adderrrrr April 21, 2021
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Jackie, a fun and loving guy, everyone finds him cute and irresistible.(even the guys) He has a charming air around him, a enchanting attraction. He has a very tough personality while still being a cute smol bean. He loves his friends a bit more than his family, but no matter what he's got your back; when you ask he delivers. His best features are his eyes his lips and his butt. You won't be lonely with Jackie, but emotions are not his thing, he will love you beyond assistance but he will have trouble expressing this so be patient and consider yourself lucky because he's usually picky about relationships.
He has a typical Jackie type personality.
by Jack Lamsfan March 10, 2018
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The name Jackie can be translate to queen. She is very royal and rich. She is also a boss as bitch. People are afraid of her. She doesn't care what anyone thinks because no one is better then her.
by JackieIsTheBest December 21, 2021
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