When someone repeatedly dies on an online game, such as league of legends, despite their best efforts to stay alive, usually resulting in annoyed teammates.
Me: Jack please stop feeding.
Jack: I'm not doing it on purpose!
Me: Then stop being a noob feeder!
by monkey4015 January 28, 2012
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Mostly used in team based on-line games, where a number of poor players are so bad, they start to effect the more skilled members of the team. Most likely becuase they are annoyed at their useless team-mates, and are too preoccupied yelling at them to concentrate on the game, or they know they have no chance of winning and just give up. Thus the cancer of a handful of useless noobs, spreads to the whole team, making them all useless.
"IDIOT! Look what you made me do! Just go away! Give your noob cancer to some other server!"
by PoisonedAl August 12, 2009
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The term originating from the musicianforums. It is used to describe someone who is a bigger noob than a typical noob. A hero noob however doesn't know that they are a noob.

When used in many online games, the usual response is a question mark (?) followed by "lol"
someone - Lolz, stfu hero noob
someone else - wtf lol ?
by Phala May 11, 2006
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when a noob uses a powerful, uber vehicle to try a pwn skillful people.
one guy: "God damn, who the hell is in the noob wagon?"
other guy: " i dont know, but he's really pissing me off."
by Lord Jackal January 13, 2008
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A gamer who sucks at fighting games and constantly spams projectile attacks (like Ryu'sHadouken) instead of employing any actual technique.
P1: Alright! Suck on this fool! Hadouken!
P2: ...
P1: What the fuck? Why didn't they hit?!
P2: Learn to roll Hado Noob.

by Sarcasmancer February 25, 2009
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A noob fruit is a homosexual noob, called so because of 'going gay' on somebody and being a noob at almost the same time or the same time. Some good examples...
Zac NewtonFruitNoob
A fruit = homosexual of some kind
A noob = ....noob?

Therefore a Noob Fruit is a homosexual noob.
by My Little Pony Rules April 16, 2008
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