A contagious Virus that forces people to undergo countless amounts of Plastic Surgery until their faces look similar to the ones of the "Bogdanoff Twins". Once fully transformed, their only goal is to crash the stock market.
P1: "I heard that Jones cought the Bog Virus! All we can do is pray that he will recover from it soon."
P2: "I don't know man, it seems pretty strong. There's no Vaccine and the Doctors are getting infected too!"
P1: "Don't say it like that we got-" *coughing* "Dump ett."
by The Fragment June 16, 2021
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an offensive term used in reference to a pregnant woman.
"Hey, did you hear that Tiffani dropped out of school?" "Yeah, rumor has it, Zack gave her the Pregger Virus."
by Mistermista June 19, 2012
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A virus, in which, spreads from one child to another at a community park with no intention of its existence. The virus is only spread through children who show no symptoms.

This virus is defined as a host seeker and only seeks adult hosts before it spreads further. This virus does not affect children, rather just rests on their skin until in contact with an adult.
I think Tyler and Tiffanie have the Park Virus!
by steammustachio July 20, 2023
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this is when someone has the worst strand of HIV virus and The worst kind of Cancer and it mutates giving everyone this horrible as sexual disease on steroids because of cancer cells.. pandemic killing entire of continents in less than a day and airborne...at that and its so hard to get rid of ...it basically destroyed the entire mars life planet in one day. which is now a barren waste land worst than any desert. even our deserts has cactus . this nothing but dead life dead planet. no source of life anywhere on mars now. and now its starting to rise on earth....mars a way bigger planet than earth we live on....
This Tyrant Virus is going to way worst than its weak counterpart from mars. the HIV and cancer on earth is far more deadly.
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what you get when you’re the girl that gets trained
“bro did you fuck that girl last night?”

nah bro, she told me she got train virus so i hadda dip”
by itsmedennisdaily January 23, 2023
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Corona beer's latest flavor. Constantly confused with a deadly virus. Tastes like nature
Corona Virus Lite tastes like air
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That time of day when you’re alone in your room blasting deftones wondering why you even exist.
Person 1: “Hey man you doing alright?”

Person 2: “Yeah just had the night virus really bad, almost blew my head off lol.”
by Gasstationbonerpill October 3, 2023
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