the ability to look far into the future; farsightedness.
We need such leaders as are gifted with jumbo vision.
by uttam maharjan March 11, 2010
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When you are with your spouse and an attractive female walks past, you use this to check them out without being caught.. A.K.A peripheral vision.
I was with my girl Friday night and I had to use my titty vision to check out this fine women that walked past!
by Wyatt Gornick November 19, 2015
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Equally true to Clairaudience

Astral hearing, same as hearing and seeing from the physical plane.
The psychomantic vision is powerful in this young starsprout.
by Adam Rhys Campbell November 15, 2020
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When you eye some one up and down looking at there flaws so u can roast the shit outta them.
John had his terminator vision all over Sarah. He was waiting for something to go down
by Wesley 726 June 21, 2017
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Someone whose only intelligent in one topic but when it comes to understanding anything besides that one topic they're stupid
A person with tunnel vision intelligence is the most intelligent (insert job title) in their field but dumb as f*** with anything else. "How can you possibly be capable of open heart surgery but can't understand a simple movie?"
by Queen Penelope July 28, 2022
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The ability of someone to identify a transgender person on sight.
"Check this chick out. Definitely trans."
"How can you tell?"
"Tall. Elongated chin. Prominent Adam's apple. Speaks in a deep voice."
"Damn, you're good."
"When you check out trans chicks as much as I do, you tend to have pretty good T-vision."
by araparseghian December 13, 2014
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