Phrasal verb
1- To disorganize something;
2- To mess a previously organized place.
Pablo: "Where are the TC plates that were over here?"
Callan: "My bad. I organize away everything!"
by Cpt Darwin June 22, 2021
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I don't have a job, so I stack legos. I call myself a community organizer.
by andkri November 13, 2017
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i.e. sticking your organ in another organ
Let’s go organ hunting when we get home.
by Jonny Roger December 10, 2021
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"Organic Cheese" is basically a bunch of leaves pulled of a tree.
That girl is obsessed with organic cheese! It's annoying!
by NovaDeDark May 31, 2021
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Hey, can I have your organs?
Hym "Do you need me to put the little orange organ donor stick on my license or are you just going to help yourself? Cuz it seem like you just helping yourself to whatever I have to offer is the general theme around here..."
by Hym Iam June 13, 2022
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School Organization Slides is a false name for PowerPoint or Google Slides presentations created by students for the purpose of shitting on their teachers and or their peers.

It is normally in meme or comic format and it is common for them to have multiple contributors.

They are disguised as “School Organization Slides” to mislead nosy teachers with access to the students’ files.
Student 1: “Bro, hop on School Organization Slides and look at my entry about Mr. Sirota!”
Student 2: “Alright bro I will.”
by 27tk March 10, 2023
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