When recieving a handjob from someone you've just met, or a stranger. They use the hand opposite of what they write with. For example, if they're right handed they would use their left hand.
You know that girl I hooked up with the other day? She gave me a weird handjob. It was like a total stranger.
by FlashSlapper November 8, 2013
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The way long distance cyber couples masturbate. One party holds controller with high vibration firmly on desired genitalia while opposing party shoots high powered rounds at opposing party.
The cyber-stranger Bottomless clips on Haven friendly fire off? - Sounds like a date!
by omn1 October 15, 2013
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When you hold your hand in ice water until it turns blue then rubbing one out
I caught Jake giving himself a blue stranger
by Streensley December 18, 2020
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Similar to the stranger. The Advanced Stranger is the masturbation technique where you place yourself on a bar stool, trap your NON-DOMINATE forearm under your thigh and curl your wrist upward to jerk off.Preforming this technique offers A LOT of sensations. Numbness in that extremity, compression of chest cavity to limit breathing (autoerotic asphyxiation), you may see STARS due to blood being rushes to your head from leaning over, all while trying to maintain your balance. CAUTION: this technique may result in injury and/or death and cause Traumatic Masturbatory Syndrome, or TMS.
PARAMEDIC: How did you crack your head open? ME: i was preforming the ADVANCED STRANGER and leaned over to far, striking my head on the corner of the counter top. PARAMEDIC: that explains all the blood and semen on the floor!
by Dougtwin September 16, 2017
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random bitches one seeks when trying to get one's D' wet
Guy #1: I want to get my D' wet
Guy #2: You got to go get some stranger hoes
by Expert Ho Getter May 18, 2011
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A person who you do not know stranger that you consider to be hot or attractive.
You're walking down the street with your friend; "oh hey look at that hot stranger"

" oh yeah he/she is hot!"
by Centralpseudonymperk April 4, 2016
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One of neg's urban sports similar to Big stranger rodeo except you are only allowed to ride big European guys like a bull.
by jobflobadobyob May 16, 2011
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