A name that for some reason, people use as an example when they talk about something. They are never actually referring to a person they know.
Math Teacher: “Sally has 20 apples and 52.5 orange slices...”
by BernieLikesBuns April 25, 2021
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A sally is a work client that makes things harder than they needed to be. Annoying nancies that want everything "the customer's way", FOR FREE, and take up WAY TOO MUCH of your time and attention at work. They are often constantly worried that you are not fully focused on completing their project that you got roped into that seems to avoid all sense and logic because it changes every time you talk to them. Won't just put down on paper what they need, insisting upon in-person meetings or phone calls, never simple zoom calls or emails.
Me: Hey Rick, how's work going with the new client?
Rick: It's taking forever, and I still have no idea what they want. I think I have a sally.
by VictoriousGerm December 9, 2022
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Sally, a lady who wont give you any of her god damn food at lunch
Joe: Can I have one of those fries?

Sally: No, you fucker!

Joe: You really are a sally!
by Gukkigang October 7, 2018
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a person who has a few good friends that they know and talk with, might not be that social in real life but is on social medias. would probably leave their life for a game. nicer when you get to know them. does a lot for their friends most of the time and doesnt except much in return since they are kind, only has good friendships with the people they know the longest or the best, would tell a lot of stuff about themselves to any close friend. had a weird phase but now is over it. would help you in any case if possible.
if you ever need help ask sally!
by ilovegenshin August 16, 2021
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The bridge just collapsed

“Oh no we’re in a sally
by NoBleu July 7, 2019
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A strong, independent, Jersey girl, who is never afraid to truly be over the top. She will laugh, cry, fight, and more than likely offend you at some point. A Sally laughs uncontrollably at completely inappropriate times. She’s the type of friend who if your house was burning down, would be outside making s’mores and hitting on the firemen. She is unique in her character and filled with love. Sally’s are uncomprehendable but indispensable!
Damn, Sally’s at it again!
You need a good laugh? Call Sally!
Don’t worry, Sally will get us in for free.
by Sally Anne November 23, 2021
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