You drink Whiskey.
You get drunk, Belligerent even.

You than scream Whiskey, Glare at all your friends and smash whatever is in your hand/closest.
Whiskey Smash!

- Glares at everyone -

- Smashes cup on floor -
by Mitch Dub October 4, 2010
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What is created when you attempt to stuff your semi-limp whiskey dick into your lady’s gaping vagina
After we returned from the Jack Daniels distillery, my old lady and I had a long afternoon making the whiskey waffle
by The Vanillist November 25, 2022
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When you're drinking whiskey, and you can start to feel the alcohol in your ribcage.
I can feel this whiskey in my ribcage. Sounds like whiskey ribs to me!
by B00pieSn00ts October 31, 2020
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A costume choice made popular by the swinging community in the late 90’s. The couple who arrives wearing this is meant to indicate to other swinging couples that their preference in the bedroom is anal sex. The person who wears the whiskey outfit is said to prefer to receive, where the cola wearer prefers to give. There are several variations of this costume since the 90’s, including Jack & Coke, Jack & Ginger, Whiskey & Cola.
Oh my! Can you believe Mark and Karen showed up in a Whiskey and Coke Costume? Do you think they know what it means?”
“Oh, I bet Mark knows what it means!”
by Bobby Butt Stuff October 16, 2021
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Usually meaning, one who drinks whiskey and instantly becomes a bad ass, one who will kick ass and forget names! They Usually use terms like "you're no match for me", or "I'll kill you" and then once the whiskey effect wears off they use the terms like " I'm sorry, I was drunk" or " I'm never drinking that again"!
Whiskey bottle bad ass......Hey I just got a call from richard, he's being a "Whisky bottle bad ass" again!
by Sanderclause is coming April 12, 2017
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(Abstract/noun/adj/slg)- when you've spent so much of your life wasted on whiskey and alcoholic similes, you awaken one day to realize you are now 50 years old and your sweet children have grown to adulthood without your guidance or parental presence. No matter how bad you want to wind back the clock, the time machine has broken, and you are stuck in nightmare land.
Theorizing that one could time travel within his own lifetime, Sam Fukkit stepped into the whiskey time-machine accelerator... and vanished. Oh boy.
by Whiskey Drinker Me September 9, 2020
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A day when you get drunk all day and you are not drunk until the days end.
by luciferthe14th September 20, 2019
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