A whiskey/ Bourbon collector that hunts down rare bottles of whiskey. Often times driving great distances and visiting lots of places.
Better hurry and grab that bottle while you can, before a bourbon hound grabs it.
by Whisky Geek November 22, 2017
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Someone who sexually pursues members of the military
Man 1: Any luck with Chelsea?
Man 2: Nah, I couldn’t get her even if I tried she’s a total branch hound.
by Nosaholic September 16, 2019
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Someone who just loves slurping up any and all fluids which occur as a result of sex.
I'm a real sweater, so I exclusively date drip hounds.
by January 26, 2023
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A very houndy hound
Mr. Houndy Hound never wants to play because hounds are lazy.
by Chikabille September 17, 2021
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An English pub found in Woolwich, London.
Usually open but is always getting raided by the owners son Hayden
Person 1 "Where are we going to get pissed tonight?
Person 2 "Let's go the the Grey Hound Pub, we can beat up Hayden"
by BludclartBoss July 30, 2023
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An evil woman with loose morals. Typically some combination of narcissist, psychopath &/or sociopath. Creates drama and issues, will likely create false charges if not kill her partner.
Shawna the whore hound shoved Russ then called the cops and cried abuse. Then she killed him and claimed to be the victim.
by Arguile Avenger May 7, 2022
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A dude that f*cks fat girls
Mike totally hooked up with that beast from the party last night, he's such a cow hound!
by shyguyagain December 18, 2013
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