Grammar Is spelling (kind of)e.g lets lurn sum grammer (wrong) e.g Lets learn some grammar. (right)
Grammar Is Plural And Singular and are and is e.g There are 1 zombies left (wrong) e.g There is 1 zombie left. (right)
Michael:ay pluckee how it goin dood
Me:Your grammar is wrong try again
by February 13, 2022
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An ancient communication art, no longer widely practiced, but reputed to lead to vastly greater knowledge when wielded expertly.
Wow, that guy’s grammar is excellent! He writes so clearly!
by zenospinoza August 19, 2019
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A school Somewhere between gr9 k to 1st k to 2nd k to 3rd

This might be called Also primary school
by 459395 March 2, 2022
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Some1 on Instagram who lacks in the grammar department. Grammar Mustards might think of themselves as grammar masters but spell master and mustard. For example, the first found Grammar Mustard was discovered by Sophia and Stella. :)
"That's not how you spell that Sofa, you grammar mustard"
by Sofa the grammar mustard December 21, 2016
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That one member of your DND party thats always correcting the party or the dm
PC: I'd like to use magic missile
GG: Actually you cant USE magic missile, you cast it
PC: Gee thanks you grammar goblin
by Chedder-cheese May 31, 2022
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To edit a paper into having proper grammar.
I am terrible in English class! Can you help me fix my paper?
Sure! Let me just grammarize it a little bit.
by HelloFellowPeople February 16, 2018
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The ingeniousness EMBODIED in being a GRAMMAR CRACKER allows for any language to violate rules of permuting the meaning by significant simplification of only ONE CONVENTION ALLOWED in any phrase or sentence of any sort with your strongest FLUID OF COMMUNICATION your language DO THE ONE...THAT you know and if not listed or available just use your FLUIDITY.


(making a note diacritical marks need to be included on the keyboards to proceed efficiently and also allow for character levels for each unique language be basic on any computer or cell or tablet)

Listen it as easy as 1,2,3,4,5,...n and it can only been done in ONE WAY as TRANSCENDENTAL PERMUTATION GRAMMAR not only refutes changes of phraseology ,violating the proper rules of the respective language grammar but refuting the math by saying ONE ORDER IS ONLY POSSIBLE and that is the RILE OF THE SEQUENCE as it unwind which to tell you the truth whip out your BARN EAT SHIT LANGUAGE DICTIONARIES and follow the SEQUENCE as you would READ ANY INSTRUCTIONS OR DIRECTIONS. For EXAMPLE: (I AM THE ONLY ONE OF ME) in FINNISH from the ENGLISH...MINA OLEN VAIN YKSI

If you use this basis ruleS the SEQUENCE RULE as the words in TRANSCENDENTAL PERMUTATION GRAMMAR as it will in actuality lead to not only interesting new insightful results but also provide CONFLICT RESOLVEMENT in language communication and make great inroads into the WORLD LITERACY PROBLEM.

by NOBLE PEACE SUNDER EEE January 16, 2022