Chalona's are very beautiful, outgoing, smart girls. They tend to be small in size. So, small they can fit in a box. Chalona really cares about her friends. She is very loyal and will do anything for them. She can be really feisty at times. If you make them mad better say your prayers. She loves sports. She is an amazing person and won't hesitate to let you know she fucks with you. The person who ends up with a Chalona will be the luckiest guy in the world, because she has an amazing personality. She is a ride or die till the end. She is super funny, and very passionate about 2k. She is a low key freak-a-leak. She'll always let you know when she gotta fart. She does really well in school. She is also a very clean person and takes pride in keeping her space clean.
Chalona (Sha-lawn-uh) sucks good penis.
by pROUD FAMILY January 16, 2018
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ultimate comeback of all time.
Its enemy is yuh uh
Kyle: *says an entire paragraph of a valid statement with tons of backed up evidence*
Greg: "NUH UH"
by da willereen October 29, 2023
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Also known as the "Nuh-Uh Fallacy'', it is an interjection often used when one's argument is no longer defendable by any fraction of logic. I mean, at this point when this option becomes the last resort, just remove yourself from the argument. like give up, sharon
man: but argument, yknow? solid point.
you: Nuh-Uhhhhh
by Caydes_dud November 6, 2023
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An easy, simple was to deny an insult or claim about something or someone in a toddler-like way.
John: Steve, you're such goddamn idiot!
Steve: Nuh Uh.
by Doggo32 October 4, 2023
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when you take a shit underneath a bed's mattress pad and then also between the mattress and the box spring. the victim will first discover the fecal matter under the mattress pad, and they will believe that the issue is rectified after cleaning that up. for a period of time afterwards, hopefully several weeks, the victim will continue to discover a foul smell, before they eventually realize the second deposit underneath the mattress.

this phenomenon resembles an Oreo where the mattress is the white filling between the two layers of chocolate.
"I just found out that my man has been cheating on me. it's time to go to his house and leave him an unpleasant surprise. I hope that him and his new lady friend enjoy discovering this Uh-Oh Oreo!"
by mister hoodrich April 5, 2023
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An exclamation expressing utter admiration, envy or awe.

Or a word defining the epicness or coolness of an event.
-I just got a new penguin!
-OMG that's totes uh-y bruh!!!


-Fluffy socks are totes uh-y

awe epicness coolness admiration totes envy
by Pocoloca April 8, 2013
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