Um Sorry
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Sorry means you want forgiveness for something. Or you are terribley guilty and want forgiveness so you say I’m sorry .
For example: I’m sorry Caroline took her iPad and put bad stuff on it.
by WowGirlIsMe December 5, 2018
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when you do something bad and feel bad about it, so you say sorry. sometimes you don't feel bad but still say sorry. humans are confusing.
Person 1:"Katie why did you pour red paint on my shirt?"
Kate: "It was a prank, sorry."
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A word which is used when a person has done something wrong and has or will take the other parties feelings about the situation into account and will make a conscious effort to change their actions to avoid causing the other Parties feelings to become upset or annoyed. This word is commonly overused and becomes meaningless especially in relationships. When using this word a valid reason for the apology should always follow and a possible way you can change your actions to show that you know EXACLY why you upset the other person
H: I don’t like what you said back there
K: oh I didn’t mean for it to hurt you, I’m sorry, I won’t say that again
by H0117 August 6, 2022
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a word someone can use whenever they just feel worthless. they blame everything on themselves to try and just.. i dont know man. sorry.
by DylanieUWU May 1, 2021
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Some one that apologizes,and sorry and is ashamed of there self for doing something wrong.
Sorry for using the pencil Mom!!!
by C00LkExpert February 7, 2018
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A classy way of telling someone to F off.
Yeah man sorry
by Chrisandra November 23, 2021
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