the dreadlock-like knots on the underside of a small dog (usually a shih tzu)that are caused by obsessive licking (obsessive-lickies).
Princess, your lickie knots are robust!
by pcross December 11, 2008
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When two long dick dudes tie them together and then try to pull the knot out until it becomes a bloody mess. Red knot!
I walked in on my roommate yesterday and he and his boyfriend had their dicks tied together and were pulling apart, it was a bloody mess!! It looked like a Red Knot!!
by booker t washington September 2, 2015
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Slang term originating in the sex industry for an anus
Karen walked gingerly down the stairs as her whore knot was still tender from the attention it received from Scott last night.

Gerald ate the curry knowing full well that his whore knot would be on fire tomorrow morning.

"Hey darlin, it's my birthday so bend over and let me do you in the whore knot"
by choppascott March 17, 2023
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A Christmas Knot is when two men tie their penises together and ejaculate at the same time on two women while saying “take this you ho ho hoes!!!”
by Maxamagican September 9, 2020
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1. A group of men who's genitals are tied together.
2. A group of men hugging.
Dude dont dance so close to me, i dont want to get intona "bro knot."
by Aspryin October 10, 2019
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Someone who is very annoying and won’t go away. A bit like a knot in the very back of your which is nearly impossible to get out.
Person 1: hey, omg That new girl is sick a neck knot!
Person 2: oh you are so unlucky, you basically can’t get rid of them!
by Bubbly Mango July 6, 2021
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