The Gods of Progressive Rock, and a band consisting living legends:
John Petrucci (Guitars and vocals - overwhelming)
James Labrie (Vocals - Better than best)
John Myung (Bass - great but seems to be by his band members)
Jordan Rudess (Keyboards, Continuum and lap steel guitar - petrucci's music twin)
Mike Portnoy (Drums, Percussion, Vocals - One of the greatest drummers)

Every1 should get DT's new album, Octavarium, it ROCKS!!
Dream Theater rules over the popular fucks in terms of 'music'(but music is all that matters!) and cannot be compared to crappy-rappy music shits.

Bitch: "yo dumbass, rap is the best, dream theater sux shit"
Me: "Well, that's cuz u don't know real music, and suck the mic 24/7, cocksucker.
Bitch: "O.."
Me: "Yeah you STFU, or i'll call Bush"\

Famous albums:
Images and Words
Train of Thought
by yomommy June 30, 2005
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The spectacle caused by white trash engaging in tasteless, disturbing, or inappropriate behavior in public.
While I was at Wal-Mart yesterday, I saw a morbidly obese family buying matching Dale Earnhardt t-shirts. That place shows nothing but Trashterpiece Theater.
by M. Helton December 11, 2009
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Aka a homosexual, someone who sings lyrics about being gay
Hey, did you see that theater guy? He seems kinda gay.
by Muhammad is a false prophet November 17, 2019
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A type of pansexuality exclusive to theater majors or members of a theater troupe because they're way too fabulous for normal labels.
Guy: Hey, I think James might be gay.

Girl: What?! No! He's my boyfriend! He's not gay!
Guy: But he just admitted to being involved in an eleven way gay orgy.

Girl: Well yeah, he's a Theater Whore, what do you expect?
by Curtyfresh December 2, 2012
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A description for extra, inconvenient, and invasive measures that are supposed to add protection but in reality only offer the illusion of extra protection while providing no real added safety.
I was gate raped by a sleeper cell of the TSA when I went through the security theater at the airport.
by liberty_lover November 20, 2010
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After the strike of a set, when the excitement ends, the adrenaline dwindles, and one finally feels how tired they really are after the run of a show.
Now that the show is over, my theater hangover is so bad, I can't get out of bed.
by Mr. Bug March 28, 2017
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a pretty cool person who loves theater and its a lifestyle. they make lots of musical references even if you don't understand and constantly burst into song. it's contagious and soon you as well will burst into song. if its a female then they generally are super sweet and for the male species not only are they likely gay but honestly kinda hot... a theater rat can also have a cute nickname as "pip-squeak" and if they like cheese to be sure to bring it up at least once.
wow, that girl Iyar is such a theater rat! I love that! they are my favorite type of people!!!
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