Abbreviation: Too Far
Often used when one takes a joke or story to far. Otherwise used to shut the victim up.
Handy for un-humorous jokes
Endless stories
Stibbi: Hey guys the other day i was.......
Dude: TF
Stibbi: Damn
by toooofar August 21, 2008
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Full Form of the Word: TuNNe Freeze

1. (Esoteric Definition): The situation that faultlessly arrives due to a conglomeration of various reasons, which might or might not be under one's control, but inadvertently leads to the non-functioning of man's glorious shaft of enlightenment.

2. (For Dumbfucks): Where your penis gets frozen and becomes useless.
Dude, she's so ugly, that when she even breaths looking at my direction, I get TFed (TuNNe Freezed)
by Chapalatheerthananda March 25, 2011
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Teh Fuck? A shorter version of WTF? but cooler and using teh is teh shit.
Jorge I like big black juicy sausages

Jose TF?
by Rojiblanco August 26, 2009
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An abbreaviation for the word "The Fuck". Instead of saying "What The Fuck" some people shorten it.
TF you did that for? Tf did i tell you? Tf homie, did you just see my cat do the john wall?
by Norelli October 9, 2011
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In the sex industy or call girl jargon TF is the abbreviation for Tit Fuck
Do you TF as part of you services?
by erica m October 28, 2006
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"It's old, but TF's great. I still play it."
by Tyler July 28, 2004
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acronym for "Too Funny". similar to TFF, which stands for "Too Fuckin Funny"
Guy1: "Did you pour your drink on the girl when she asked for your number?"
Guy2: "Yeah"
Guy1: "Oh dang, thats tf"
Guy2: "I know right"
by Bils0n June 3, 2010
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