A: "Yo man, I got this girl waiting for me in the back!"
B: "Bruh, here's some sprinkles"
A: "Thanks for the hookup!"
by bewal416 March 19, 2016
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A sugar-coated way of saying "fuck you".
Heard this one in Canada.
"You're looking a little plump there sweetie!"
"Sprinkle it, Grandma."
"What was that dear?"
by Christy Clark May 14, 2013
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The act of having skills or some type of talent in any subject.
Person 1: "damn dude how you do that"
Person 2: "im sprinkled in this shit man"
by Pretty Princess21 October 23, 2008
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A word used when tricking peers into giving high fives...as they come towards you, pull back and say "sprinkles"
"You are sooo cool,"said Bob, sticking out his hand. "Thanks Bob" said Jane trying to hit the hand in question...but Bob pulled away and yelled "sprinkles!"
by Erica June 16, 2004
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A female with a phat ass but has disgusting acne
Aye yo sprinkles! Come give daddy a lap dance with that fine ass! Oh...never mind.
by TheRealNiggaOfficial August 20, 2015
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What you say to add extra emphasis when something is completely above and beyond the norm. Derived from donuts with sprinkles which are considered quite rare and as such making them extra special above and beyond a regular glazed donut. Usually preceded by ... when used in a sentence.
Tyler: What happened to McNackey? His face is all busted up for real.

Rush: He was talking trash to this dude and he got his ass whipped ... with sprinkles!
by Rush73 May 9, 2011
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Small children, babies, toddlers (any child under the age of 10.) Big Sprinkles are those that are older than 10 but younger than 16. When saying the word sprinkles, it implies that they are annoying.
Person#1: All of my cousins are sprinkles!

Person#2: Where's you sanity? Keep it safe, it has been proven that sprinkles eat sanity, it's what makes them so damn annoying.

Person#1: I think they ate it already.

Persons #1 & #2: Shit.
by Scarlett Leah DuBois August 19, 2008
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