2) when smoking weed, someone holds the lit end of a spliff between their teeth and blows the smoke into another person's mouth.

3) to drink a beer extremely fast by poking a hole in the bottom, and then popping the top. it creates a vaccum and you get drunk reall fast.
2) man this shit is good...would anyone like a shotgun?

3)man i wanna get drunk....i should shotgun this beer.
by the surly mermaid May 27, 2005
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To blow marijuana smoke into someone else's lungs.
Oh my god, she's gunna shotgun it!
by KK and Meemz January 25, 2008
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to call for the front passenger seat of a car. Someone may call shotgun, but someone else can challenge them by dropping their pants. Once the callenge has been issued, the person who originally called shotgun can drop his pants, and then it's an all out race to see who can get to the car first.
Phil "Shotgun"
Zach <zzzip>
Phil <zzzzip>
Zach (after several seconds)"HA, I win"
by JoeMeal June 19, 2006
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1. To perfom an alcohol shotgun , poke a hole in the bottom of a can of beer, then slightly open the tab. (Helpful to suck the fuck out of the can before that shit spills everywhere.)

2. When smoking marijuana, a shotgun is perfomed by inhaling the smoke, then blowing it into the mouth of a nearby buddy or bitch. Really easy way to get high.
1. Jimmy and Sarah wanted to get real fucked up, real fast, so they shotgunned a few Buds.

2. At the party, Sarah-Ann and Michael were smoking weed and Sarah-Ann decided to help Michael get high, so she gave him a shotgun.
by John Malcolm October 23, 2005
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A method of smoking cannabis...
THe smoker puts the joint inbetween the middle finger and the other one what ever its called, puts 'his' hand into a fist shape and breaths through the thumb and index finger.
'coughs' WOOOOO that was a good shotgun
by Mr xD February 20, 2005
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The act of being the second person to get skeeted in the eye. Hence, riding shotugn. Second.
by Fabian Contreras January 7, 2006
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When you take a dump in the bathroom and need to fart in the middle of it, end up farting and spraying shit all inside the toilet bowl. It hurts but at the same time has the satisfaction of shooting a shotgun.
"What were those loud bangs from the bathroom?"
"Sorry I shotgunned your toilet."
by PumpkinSnickers April 7, 2019
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