The baddest motha fucka on the face of this planet. HE is fucking in everything and is the most fuckin baddest motha fucka. He was in fuckin Pulp Fiction, Deep Blue Sea, Shaft, Coach Carter, SWAT EVERYTHING FUCKA.
Asshole: "who the fuck is Samuel L Jackson"
Samuel L. Jackson: "Im the baddest mothafucka, you shit tasting mothafucka"
Asshole: "Ok Man back off its cool"
Samuel: "Who the fuck do you think I am."
Samuel: You best back off im getting a little fuckin pissed here."
by yyz August 3, 2007
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The three foot smoking apparatus that people have, comes in may colors or varieties, often in green or blue. Master of filtration
What do you do when Samuel L. Jackson enters the room?

Hang up the phone and hit him as hard as you can and hope he fucks you up.
by stinger98249 June 17, 2008
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Named in honor of the great actor, the Samuel L. Jackson is an alcoholic beverage containing two simple ingredients. Grape Drink (usually found in a gallon jug at Meijer or similar grocery store) and Everclear (195 proof version for authenticity). Basically like getting punched in the face while eating a grape Popsicle.
"So we gettin F-ed up tonight?"
"Yes they deserve to die and I hope they burn in hell!"

"Want some Samuel L. Jacksons?"

"Fuck Ya Mutha Fucker! Pour them shits!"
by b_mackin August 3, 2011
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A rule that applies to the game Scrabble. When someone can put together the name/word Samuel L Jackson in Scrabble, that board and all the pieces to the game are burned in honor of Samuel L Jackson.
Omg! He spelled Samuel L Jackson.We must follow the Samuel L Jackson Rule and start a fire.
by betterwordmaster November 27, 2007
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verb. To smoke nearly an entire cigarette in one 9 second breath, leaving the ash fully intact.
Dude! You Samuel L. Jackson'd that cigarette! I still have 3/4 of mine left!
by adoublearonn June 20, 2011
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That actor who's face you are sick of looking at because you associate tv with him now. Although he is a badass actor
Person#1: "you dont know who Samuel L Jackson is"!?
Person#2: "no"
Person#2: "yeah wtf is he?"
by Let me suck you're cock! June 16, 2015
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