When you get a heavier flow right after you think your period is over.
Sarah: Hey, my period is over! im so glad i can have sex again!

Michelle: Nice! better wit a day to see if you get Relapse Menstruation though.
by jenxie March 1, 2010
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the reverse of the turkey drop. when the high school couple that went to separate colleges and broke up over thanksgiving break see each other again over the holidays and in a fit of nostalgia get back together but the relationship is probably doomed from the start
Roommate 1: How was your break?
Roommate 2: Great. Me and Amanda are dating again...
Roommate 1: Dude, wtf?
Roommate 2: Yule Tide Relapse...
by blueredblueyellow444 December 10, 2009
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"False relapse" is a transpiration of the cerebral nerve forgetting one thing and thus, relating to the former phrase or inculcation. False relapse is a typical error in social media, should it be considered one. People who experience false relapse tend to go into an unbreakable, slight tenacity. False relapse may coincide chronologically or irrationally, which are the two major figments of false relapse. Usually, false relapse is exhibited by postdate text (See e.g. 1).

False relapse is only an occurrence, and it poses no threat. If frequencies of false relapse do appear, however, it is known as, "acute false relapse".
False relapse, postdate: "I like to read books. Books are informative. I like to read books.
False relapse, chronological: "I don't mean to debate, but it seems people tend TO
TO care about money from pseudo-dramatic content than stopping war and keeping tranquil."
False relapse, irrational: " I am twenty "yo" years old." "Your spelling needs improvement, but evermore, your fine." "(Explicit language repeated incoherently)"
by Ninja of Logic August 23, 2014
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When Old Timers send in Chronic Relapsers to fuck with someone and say their being of service.
He's lucky I didn't through my certification on the ground and whoop his ass for letting those Relapse Bombers in my Class/office.
by 12stepornostep May 5, 2021
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A short amount of time, be it hours or days, in which you avoid life by falling back into a bad habit and avoid confronting it by telling people you're "relaxing" in your room, when really you're hiding from reality.
"Man Caleb won't come out of his room, says he's got a lot of homework this weekend"
"Nah man, it's just his relapsation time, he's watching all of The West Wing in two days"
by Hickorysmoked April 26, 2015
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When the penis goes numb 3 times in the span of 30 minutes. A triple relapse can lead to amputation, blindness, deafness, or even death. Often cause by masturbation, see an doctor if you have any symptoms such as low sperm count, pain in the urethra, pain in the prostate, or swelling.
(A) dude I think I just triple relapsed
(B) oh shit dude that sucks anyways what do you think of Muslims?
(A) what the fuck dude.... I’m gonna die
by That.Kidd.Fish August 23, 2021
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