(n.) A submissive woman that makes no noises and no facial expressions during intercourse, while you can do just about any maneuvre you want on them.

(n.) Peaceful period of British Imperialism where Britain came to be the protector of all throughout the nineteenth century. All that wasn't part of the british empire was either a vichy government (as was the case in china) or extremely in favour of preserving good ties and would not challenge (most of europe, united states, russia, Japan). In short, the empire and informal empire meant that the world was as if it were one country, with London the capital.
by Gumba Gumba May 28, 2004
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Passengers seated in the back of an aircraft.
Those aft pax are being so obnoxious on this flight.
by MarGogo gEarl August 12, 2011
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A terrible and debilitating mental disease affecting roughly 10.5k people on Earth. Being a Pax Stan is defined as an inability to distinguish reality from the YouTube series "Pax" by Korean Mapping. Individuals affected by this disease will find ways of linking everything in their life to Pax and its characters. There is no known cure, though treatments include frequent fresh air and contact with grass.
A: The American age really is over.
A: What?
B: Oh, sorry, I recently got diagnosed with Pax Stan.
by ChronoX06 November 21, 2021
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The sickness you get after going to a big convention. Symptoms vary wildly, but all stem from being around hundreds of people in a confined space for long time.
"Why didn't you come into work today?"
"I went to Vidcon last week and got Pax Pox. I've had a stomach ache since Sunday"
"ah dude that sucks, I dodged the Pax Pox this year"
by TheDimensionist February 25, 2021
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The Pax Romana which is Latin for Roman Peace, is a roughly 200-year-long timespan of Roman history which is described as it’s golden age for its imperialism, relative peace and order, prosperous stability, hegemonic power, and regional expansion.
Guy1: What the hell is Pax Romana

Guy2: No idea
by Sauerkrautmanufacturer July 1, 2023
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(verb) An actor is k-paxed if he stinks so badly in a film (such as Kevin Spacey in K-PAX), that it makes you realize you dislike every previous role of his. In typical cases, all other movies he/she has been in are now ruined for you, even ones you previously didn't mind.
Man, 'Sahara' was a stupid unrealistic movie. Matthew McConaughey is so k-paxed now.
by Kevin Spacey August 22, 2005
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To pull off an item of clothing in an outfit. Came from complete lazyness of saying the full phrase and just blurting out a random word.
"Look at this tye-dye shirt I just got!"
"Hm, you could pax it with those jeans."
by Angus the Superduck February 12, 2006
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