The present tense of orgasm. When an orgasm is happening.
I started orgasming when he went deeper.
by JCay July 24, 2008
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Something that is so awesome and provides so much pleasure, it is similar to having an orgasm.
by Adam Baine May 18, 2007
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The best feeling in the world. When a man or woman climaxes. The peak point of sex.
"Wow! That was amazing. That was the best orgasm I ever had."
by tahareh July 18, 2005
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1. something so great, so good, it reaches the awesomeness of an orgasm; pure magic

1a. Oh My Gosh, these strawberries are orgasmical!!!!!! they are so 'effing good!

1b. person A: so how was your weekend?
person B: *sighs* orgasmical...
by miss michele March 13, 2008
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Seeming or feeling like an orgasm

Typically an amazing feeling, commonly associated with chocolate.
"Oh this chocolate tastes orgasmal"

"Your vaginal excretions simply taste orgasmal"
by KingHunterOhYeahBabe January 14, 2010
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At the moment which one experiences it, it cannot be said that one forgets, for forgetting, though a truly passive action, is too active for our situation. At the said moment or moments in time which one experiences an orgasm, there is no thought at all whatsoever. In this state of no thought, one acknowledges existence, yet is unable to think. One exists, but barely so. That is an orgasm.
by anonymous^X July 20, 2006
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omg, i was watching porn on the internet and all of a sudden, i had an orgasm. its like my vagina was pulsing and kept tightening up. it felt so great. i can't wait until i put it to good use.
by sexbitch247 October 4, 2008
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