A common internet slang abbreviation of "Oh my God" used almost strictly among teenage girls or teenage boys who are commonly called a faggot. Most agree that it is terribly obnoxious and overused. It may be used to express surprise, anger, outrage, exasperation, delight, fright, shock, fascination; it can express any emotion, really. Anyone who uses the phrase off the internet (In real life) should be shunned from society.
Example one - On Internet:

Tween girl 1: omg!!!! did u see dis video of da poor cows being slauhgterd?

Tween girl 2: omg!! omg!! no!! show it 2 me! i HAVE 2 see dis!!

Example 2 - Off Internet:

Tween girl 1: OMG. I love your shirt.

Tween girl 2: Thank you!

Society: Shun those pitiful children!
by MGN February 21, 2009
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it means o my gods
nuts are good.
by kupa December 11, 2003
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Stands for Old Man Game, a realization that sweeps over men as they age in their 30's that they are no longer the young guns they once were. Indicated by taking an interest in things once thought uninteresting including PBS, current world affairs, walking laps at the mall in Velcro shoes, telling younger neighbors about the pitfalls of irresponsibility, identifying music from younger years as the greatest ever, being called weird by your children if you have some, being in bed before 9pm on a work night, not knowing who most of the musical guest are on award shows, and a general un-kewlness that is not easily covered by the word kewl. Used in everyday conversation as #OMG as a way to replace the standard understood meaning OMG because that's what being old is about. Using a hashtag to retain slight kewlness with the kids.
Hey friend, want to get together later and play some backgammon? #OMG

My kids asked if I'd sit on the other side of the playground cause my outfit was weird. ##OMG
by Timberton August 12, 2016
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OMG Beck look at her butt, It's so huge!
by Mrjohn312 August 28, 2014
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Abbreviation for "Oh my God." Most commonly used online and in chat rooms. However, people who can not be bothered or are too stupid to string three words together and must use the letters instead use it in everyday life as well.
"omg last night was so f-ing cool!"
"like oh em gee did you hear that jane broke up with bob and bob is going out with jane's brother's uncle's aunt's cousin's dog's hamster's mom? like omgzs!"
by Heywood Jablomie May 28, 2005
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1. internet shorthand usually meaning 'oh my god' or 'oh my gosh' (see wordomgsh/word). often used in online multiplayer games to suggest extreme discontent with a situation (see wordstfu/word).

2. abbreviation for musical group 'oatmeal my gestapo'.
1. omg gay.

2. omg is my favorite band.
by bud newman. February 28, 2003
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