Short for Long Island Iced Tea, a powerful cocktail made with vodka, gin, rum, tequila, triple sec, sour mix and cola.
by Bill G March 28, 2005
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Uh first of all you DUMBASSES, Long Island is NOT Upstate, in fact, we only consider NYC and Long Island in New York State, Upstate is for poor famers :-)...First of all, we have the nicest beaches, shopping, cars, and houses. We have some of the best restaurants. I'm sorry that all of you that bash Long Island, but you are clearly jealous that we have money and you do not. We have the best schooling and the best of almost everything. So next time you want to diss Long Island, get your facts straight you stupid shits.
by Brianne S. December 10, 2005
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look at the map, brooklyn and queens are physically part of long island. and it's not upstate, it is the suburbs. i live in the bronx now, its not a huge difference then living in huntington, unless your retarded. you city folk need to chill and wise up.
Long Island is where many of Manhattan's most successful people live.
by ashys December 6, 2005
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when most people think of islands, they think of palm trees, sand, sun and 100 degree weather 365 days a year. but when i think of islands, i think of long island which is my home. you know your from here when :
1. you've snuck into the city using the L.I.R.R and your parents never found out.
2. you tried weed summer going into 9th grade.
3.everytime you go to a different state - you HAVE to hit up every dairy queen/sonic in the area.
4. you remember brett saborhagens.
5. you can't imagine living somewhere without beaches.
6. you associate babylon village with hott lacrosse guys and gilgo beach.
7. you started drinking when you were 12.
8. your idea of a party is getting piss drunk around a fire in your friend's backyard then walking through town making an ass out of yourself.
9. you love the yankees.
10. you've spent 10 bucks at a movie theatre.
11. you straigten your hair everyday of your life.
12. you've gone camping before.
13. you've used the word "legit" in a sentence before.
14. you know that the southshore is the greatest place in the world & the northshore is for rich people.
15. you've seen a concert at nassau colliseam.
16. you can name at least 5 people that have moved to north or south carolina.
long islander - so have you ever been the city?

non long islander- what do you mean?

long islander- like manhatten .

non long islander- oh i think ive driven by there like once.

by jkldskldslksd July 19, 2008
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A place where soulness, bitchy girls are raised.
Hey, look at that nice, sort of good looking guy. Let's talk shit about him and make sure we are close enough so he can hear. What a loser. We're from Long Island!
by justtryingtobefriendly December 13, 2009
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Long Island is an island located to the east of Manhattan, stretching in the northeasterly direction. It is home to four counties, of which two -- Brooklyn and Queens -- are Boroughs of New York City. In political and cultural contexts, however, the name "Long Island" refers to the portion of the island occupied by the remaining two counties: Nassau and Suffolk.

One of America's most vivid examples of urban sprawl, Long Island was mostly rural until the late 1940's, at which time developers began radically transforming its landscape into what became an endless sea of cookie-cutter housing and strip malls. It is characterized by overcrowding, insane transportation costs and high property taxes. Although it is socioeconomically diverse, and serene rural scenery can still be found there by those who look very hard, it is a quintessential American suburb in that it combines the worst of the urban and rural worlds: all the crowding and expense of living in the city with none of the cultural sophistication or tolerance; all the dullness of the country, with none of the bucolic charm.

Long Islanders are known for their distinctive accent, which is best described as exceedingly nasal and guttural. For example "long" is pronounced "lawn'", "coffee" is "cawffy", and someone whose name is Mark would actually be called "Mawk".
My friends bought a house in Long Island, and now their tax payments are almost as high as their mortgage payments!
by SochiKid March 24, 2010
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One of the best alcoholic beverages ever thought of! Have a few of them and you'll be all set.
by garg June 30, 2005
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