May be used to simply express that they find this person attractive, but is a short way of saying you would engage in sexual activity with said person; 'I would do things with them', emphasis is put on the 'I'.
Often given as a response to "would you?"
May be used comedically or by immature dickheads in public who think women are objects
"Damn see that girl there? Would you?"
"Yeah mate, I would"
by WhichAlias August 14, 2019
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Saying that you SURE WOULD means that you would definitely hit it with someone in your life.
Oh Dre, check out that girl...I SURE WOULD.
by misskyralee June 24, 2009
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A term used to affirm something is cool or hot, usually in a friendly manner. Not to be taken in a literal sense.
Whoa, they some fresh kicks you got on. Would bang.
by Karrak June 23, 2018
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A would-be hero, someone who tries to promote themselves by claiming afterwards that they could and would have done something heroic if some (usually minor or irrelevant) factor had been different.
The would-bero claimed that he would have chased down and used his kick-boxing skills to stop the thief who mugged the old lady, if only he'd been wearing his old sneakers rather than the new ones he'd just bought at the time.
by CoinerS July 25, 2012
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When you see a female and ask your friends if she is hot or not. This is the appropriate response undeniably every single time, if you think she is hot.
"Yo, is Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones hot?" - Person 1

"Would + Ratio" - Person 2

"Dude what the fuck, you heinous bastard" - Person 1
by SensualSaguaro November 11, 2021
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Tongue in cheek remark made by a man about a woman who is actually quite sexy, but has a very minor perceived flaw, therefore not up to the speaker's standards.
She looks hot in this pic, but those bed coverings?? Would not hit.

This girl's face is stunning, but that mole on her arm ruins her for me. Would not hit.
by Carlton G. Long September 5, 2020
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A phrase used by complete tossers who think they're a babe magnet:
Guy1: ah mate, shes so FIT
Guy2: yeah mate, I would.. i'd bang her so hard
Me: ummmm no you wouldn't; you're a prick
by Adi Redfern December 12, 2009
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