the coolest fucken race of people anywhere in the world, who kicked those bastard brits right out of the country!!! yeooo!!!
irish are herrenvolk
by sexyirishboi December 1, 2007
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the only ethnic group with the ability to knock you out while fucking your girlfriend
that damn shant Irish got my girl pregnant and gave me a black eye
by faps May 28, 2006
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We Irish men and women are hard and sturdy people. We've been through a lot but at the same time we've fought through it. People always compare others to how they would fair in a fight. People compare whites to blacks and I agree that blacks would win but Irish...that's a whole other story. So keep your Irish pride and free.
We Irish are proud and strong.
by Irish Freedom March 31, 2017
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Something that most Americans consider themselves to be.
American: "I'm Irish!"
Me: Oh cool, were your parents born there?
American: No...
Me: Grandparents?
American: No, but my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather was!
by I'mAnonymous February 9, 2008
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the best fucking race of people of all time. everyone wishes they were irish and those of us lucky enough to be so are fucking proud of it.

proud proveyers of guinness, whiskey, hot girls, hotter guys, and the fucking boondock saints.
he's irish...he's so fucking hot.

oh, she's irish? what a hottie.
by Brigid89 August 11, 2006
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people who all have ghetto passes for everything weve been through almost as bad of shit as blacks and mexicans
irish people dont drink as much as beleived
by abcdefwxyz April 23, 2007
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