GOI or G.O.I (short for Group Of Introverts) is a Telegram/Matrix community for all introverts to unite(separately in their own comfort zones). Originally created by Almighty Pew as a comfy group for general chats (pfff, can you believe it?) but since the group was so silent, it was renamed to Group Of Introverts. Later on actual introverts started flocking in and under the reign of Lord Letranger, it became a full fledged Introvert Group and a safe haven. And now introverts in GOI talks nonstop all day.
“Do you know any place where I can find like minded introverts, discuss introvert things and hang out? “

Yes. Check out Group Of Introverts (GOI) on telegram.

“Thanks a ton. That’s just the place I’ve been looking for all my life”
by urbanronin March 23, 2022
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A Goy is probably an annoying person but once you get to know him he's pretty nice. Naughty sometimes, actually probably all the time. Also dirty minded
Dude, that Goy dude..gets on my nerves.
by mainicles March 16, 2018
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A gay virgin that no one likes
W hy is our uncle a goi
by Goitoy123 April 24, 2018
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A boi, but in girl form.
John: "My bois! How's life?"
Mary: "Actually, I'm a goi, not a boi."
by NoFill.OneShot June 1, 2018
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Usually used as a replacement for the word good. When being used to say no good use no goy.
That hamburger at the diner was soo goy.

Sally is no goy at kissing.
by The Firehawk May 29, 2014
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Describes every curse word, and can be used in noun, adjective, and verb form.
He is such a goy. He is so Goying stupid. I am going to goy the math test, and will get an F.
by Noha A January 2, 2018
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Gay Boy. A form of hip homosexual slang used to categorize the young generation of homosexual men.
Check our that cute Goy over there! Oh how I’d love to kiss a Gay Boy.”
by sillything July 10, 2018
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