The words fucking and ugly mixed together
Hey I look fugly today!

You are so fugly my eyes are bleeding!!
by HnoelleH March 21, 2016
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A guy with cold sores on his face. Ugly greasy hair. Fat face. Just fugly to look at. Big ass body.
When my friend saw him she said damn that sonny kid is fugly.
by Rdll January 14, 2008
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A person that is Fucking ugly but politely the person is Fugly,
putting it nicely That Girl is Fugly. aka That girl is fucking ugly.
by Kaywana Chandler April 19, 2006
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shorter version of someone who is fucking ugly and no one really wants to have sex with. Generally a person with a grotesque face and or facial features, i.e really thin lips, curly Luke Perry sideburns and a mustache on a female. Possibly flat assed and pot bellied as well.

Can also be used as a verb to describe someone who is acting fugly. Likely to talk smack behind someone's back and/or post a first name definition of an enemy on UrbanDictionary in order to feel better about themselves.

Note: Generally fugly people are the ones who exhibit fugly behavior.
Guy 1 : Did you see that girl that came around trying hit on me?

Guy 2: The short hairy one....with the pock face? Dude that bitch is fugly. You gonna hit that?

Guy 1: HELL NO. But I better be nice to her, I heard she can get psycho fugly when you reject her.

Guy 2: True dat.
by UberDefiner July 14, 2009
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