Halo is sometimes considered the best FPS of all time.
by Justin H. April 30, 2005
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FPS - Fanny Pack Swag

The swagger appearance that is acquired solely from wearing a fanny pack around one's waist.
Joe: Look at that fag with his fanny pack.

Jay: Nah brah... hes got his FPS on full throttle.
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1. First Person Shooter. A gmae played from the perspective of the in-game character.
2. Frames Per Second. How fast the game's running. See framerate.
3. For Pete's Sake. Nicer version of FFS.
1. Did anyone check out that new FPS? It looks pretty rad.
2. Christ, that game displays thousands of enemies on-screen and its framerate doesn't drop!
by OLOL June 20, 2007
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1. Something that will always be better on PC or Nintendo Revolution.

2. The amount of frames shown per second by a computer game.
1. Half-Life 2 is an FPS game.
2. I need a new video card, I was getting 5 FPS!
by QuackAttack October 31, 2005
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Bob: Dude!!!11one I just lost all my money on monoply!! that means i win!! :D :D

Winston: :fp that means you lose...
by dephcon9 August 16, 2010
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Girl: I thought sex was kissing without clothes on.
Guy: /fp OMG
by skyg45 May 3, 2010
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