Noun -

People who are way too into flags. These people usually have multiple flag stickers all over their car or a bunch of flags on their property. They usually get all excited for useless holidays like Presidents Day, or Patriots Day to tend to their flags.
Today there was a group of people in front of city hall waving these FLAGS at the cars driving by it was so annoying. Bunch of flaggots.
by Nightriderjoe September 22, 2009
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One who masks their bigotry and hatred as the ultimate form of patriotism; common phrases include "send her back" and "they took our jobs"; a combination of the words "flag" and "bigot"
Donald Trump is an enormous flaggot, and anyone who votes for him is too.
by Austin Tatious August 7, 2019
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One who uses a flag to make themselves fit on or fit into the current social trend
I see John change the Ukrainian flag to the pride flag this week, what a flaggot
by Johnflag June 25, 2022
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A dumbass pride flag leftist that is overly sensitive and uses emotion over logic in an argument.
These fucking flaggots are mindless sheeple.
by ACompetentPerson September 29, 2022
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A passionate, dedicated simp who as a show of allyship, collects and displays a large collection of sexual identity advocacy flags.
"Hey, check out the latest addition to my collection, Noetisexual"
"Quit being such a flaggot"
by sensualettuce July 17, 2021
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the cross of flamer and faggot. Some small kid that thinks he can knock you out but in reality is a bitch and would get fucked up.
someone who is 5 foot 7 and who's weight is 115 pounds.

troy- "i will knock your ass out"

Me-"troy your a flaggot"
by d.barton February 28, 2008
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A social media user whose profile picture is in line with public expectations. Placing Flags and slogans around their avatar in accordance with the 'current thing'.
"I wonder if those Flaggots realize the Ukraine is a haven for kid ufckers and a laundry for human trafficking"?
by TheHundredthMonkey April 30, 2022
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