A hybrid of the words fantastic and fabulousto demonstrate over-zelousness.
Wow! This water tastes fantabulous
by bruno guindon August 17, 2005
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(adj) to be so incredibly awesome that you have to combine fantastic and fabulous to express your feelings,
you look fantabulous!
what a fantabulous day!
by ShORtyJ May 30, 2006
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Combination word - using fantastic and fabulous together as a descriptive word.
by Laudez May 9, 2007
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The word fantastic and fabulous merged together to make a more of an awesome word.

Used to describe anything fricken fracken awesome.

Can be also used in a situation of awkwardness.

"Dawg, you are like effing fantabulous!!"
by poopy bunghole July 17, 2008
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so cool, chic, hot, and sweet that you combined the words: fantastic and fabulous
My god girl that new clutch you got from from the new Teen Vogue magazine is fantabulous!!
by Zuriel Loving August 14, 2005
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something too in between fabulous and fantastic to be just one.
the way you write is just fantabulous!
by christie January 14, 2004
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