a vagina

Said in the movie "Role Models" by Augie Farks (Christopher Mintz-Plasse). This word was used as a "poetic" reference to a vagina when Augie is helping Danny Donahue try to win his girlfriend back. Augie is an avid fan of fantasy/medieval Live Action Interactive Role-playing Explorers (LAIRE) and this is where he picked up the phrase "whispering eye." This word is just made up for the movie.
Augie: "Tell her you miss her whispering eye!"
by DanielleisFUNNY November 25, 2008
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"i longed for the princesses' sweet whispering eye"
by DJ&Nuds December 7, 2008
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a vagina

Said in the movie "Role Models" by Augie Farks (Christopher Mintz-Plasse). This word was used as a "poetic" reference to a vagina when Augie is helping Danny Donahue try to win his girlfriend back. Augie is an avid fan of fantasy/medieval Live Action Interactive Role-playing Explorers (LAIRE) and this is where he picked up the phrase "whispering eye." This word is just made up for the movie.
Augie: "Tell her you miss her whispering eye!"
by DanielleisFUNNY November 25, 2008
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Whispering eye is from the movie role models. it is a term used by laro nerds that means vagina. also it is retarded.
Guy:I like your whispering eye.
Random nerd: hehe...it...it means VAGINA!! HAHAHA
by fuckingdie1000 December 8, 2008
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It's a super old term that means vagina.
I miss your whispering eye!
Your whispering eye is so nice.
by Paul Shouse November 28, 2008
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