Derived from "dinky," meaning small and cute.

Often used to describe shops with useless tat, nicknacks, bits and bobs, etc. but can be used to describe other locations, people, or items.
Wow, that antique shop had so much dink!
by CentreRose May 24, 2020
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A gamer term meaning to get a headshot. Named due to the *dink* sound it makes when you hit a headshot in games such as 'Overwatch'.
Just dinked that guy; he's 1 HP.

I just got triple-dinked, someone heal me.
by imreallythicc February 10, 2020
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When you think with your dick and not your head.
Geez he was all over me last night at the bar, he was totally dinking.
by farmersonly February 12, 2017
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D.N.Q. - in screenwriting competitions, a dink is a script that Did Not Qualify, or make it past the first cut.
My script was dinked; it didn't even make it into the quarterfinal round.
by facebookworm July 23, 2012
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A polite version of dick or asshole.
"my boss is a real dink."
by crash1 June 3, 2005
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Getting a headshot in a first person shooter.
Comes from Counter-Strike in which if you got a headshot on a player, it would typically make a sound described as a "dink".
It was just me left, then I dinked all of the last 3 people! So clutch!
by miniusb July 20, 2014
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"Scratch one dink"
by Canuk December 20, 2004
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