What black people love the most, their dicks! They are fried so black, and chicken meated megapenis!
by ruckasboy June 8, 2017
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when a girl chews 10 peppermint altoids, then places a cinnamon flavored listerine pocket pack in her mouth, then gives a blowjob
beth-"shit man, im hungry"
frank-"you want some fried chicken?"
by sconjaguar December 26, 2007
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A term used by gay men, meaning delightful young boys.
"Gimme, gimme, gimme, fried chicken!" - Freddie Mercury of Queen.

"Let's go to the pub and perhaps find some fried chicken."
by Eugene Picklesworth October 30, 2007
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Sex act predominantly performed on women.. a combination of the black art of cunnilingus and the old standby fingerbanging (aka fingering). Named for the finger licking tandem once made famous by an advertising campaign for fast food. Also see KFC.
Selma Blair: Did I tell you about the fried chicken Christopher served last night??
Gossip Girl: No!!!
Selma Blair: It was fantastic!
Gossip Girl: You are lucky to have a such a Crotch Colonel.

Lady: Mmmmm that fried chicken was some good finger lickin.
by 9000cc February 18, 2009
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A chicken shop around the cornah, where all mi niggas go fo em strip meals

abdi: oi you goin tennesse?

abdi2: wallahi i will if you give me 10p

abdi: cant wallahi aint got enough

abdi2: oi allow me like i need 10p for strip burger meal

abdi: soz wallahi i jus gave 10p to that other malli
by SimpleEnglish101 June 2, 2013
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When you see either a Kennedy Fried Chicken or Crown Fried Chicken, you know you're in the ghetto.
by Deahenle August 29, 2005
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