When a drunk individual shits or defecates themselves or an object.

A "browned out" usually but not always occurs when a drunk individual blacks out. The individual often realizes the mess when they wake up the next morning.
Jude was soo drunk that he browned out the couch last night.
by c-radd August 31, 2009
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The resulting comatose state induced by a sudden, intense, and in most cases involuntary bowel movement. The victim may temporarily develop a minor form of amnesia due to an unstable peak in anal pressure and release known as Anal Fragmentation. Anal Fragmentation leaves the victim with little memory of said movement prior to losing consciousness. This is informally known as the process of blowing out ones sphincter.

The aftermath of a case of "Browning Out", provided the victims anus is still within repair, often calls for the prompt administration of medical and psychological aid. If left unattended the victim will experience long-term anal leakage and probable death due to serious infection and inability to withhold from defecation. Or Simply die of embarrASSment.
I invited the new girl from work out to family dinner on Sunday. The date was going well until Susie's bowels exploded on Gram Gram. Susie and Gram Gram are still in the hospital due to the browning out incident and cannot recall anything after the appetizers. Susie had mentioned her condition in regards to ethnic foods, and to Gram Gram's demise-- I ignored it. I'm sorry Gram Gram.
by FranMan November 14, 2013
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- from blackout

* a long period of time of going without a turd
* person: "my guts were so twisted it was like there had been a 4 day brown out"

* person: "i've had a brown out for the last couple of days, do you think i should see the doctor? i'm worried i might start leaking at any moment"
by wigwams May 23, 2004
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When large chunks of your day at work are taken up by a coworker talking about random crap that he doesn't know anything about.
I got nothing done today at work, I had a Brown Out
by Codym January 18, 2006
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Blacking out so hard you accidentally shit your-self. The morning after realizing this officially makes you a victim of a brown-out.
A. After eating taco bell extremely blacked out, "some dude" had a brown out.

B. After having a brown out, no guys would touch insert name of some girl anymore, fearing she might get drunk and crap all over.

C. Dude I browned out and woke up with more than just a bad hangover.
by Mofftits December 2, 2009
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Used to describe situations when an individual feels as thought he has to crap, but he hits the can and only long farts come out.
Bill Viverito, my personal bathroom attendant thought he was slick and tried to crap, but after a long delay it was determined that there was a sustained brown out.
by Gary Gnu October 1, 2004
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Taking a dump on someone's face while they are a bitch in a drunken state. The victim only partially remembers the incident because they are a bitch.
Because Jill called Joe "cheap" about dining out, Joe decided to brown out all over that bitch's face.
by Gspeter May 9, 2008
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