When a girl becomes a major bitch after starting birth control pills. She was not necessarily a bitch before.
Guy: Dude, my girl starting taking the pill and become a total birth control bitch!
by AshAnne2412 March 1, 2010
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A ugly word created by a whore full of misandry.
Stupid cunt mocking her husbands shirt. She is fat, ugly, and no man would dip his dick in it.

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It's a percentage of positive-ness when you are not quite 100% sure but you are about 95-99% sure about something. Much like the variance in birth control effectiveness, depending on the type of person saying they are “birth control positive”, they’re percentage can fluctuate as low as 80% if they use it improperly. However, when used in combination of another friend who is also birth control positive, it can be 99.99% accurate.
person 1: Are you sure that it's supposed to rain today?
person 2: I am birth control positive that the weather man said to expect rain all weekend.
by Mrs. Meatball June 24, 2010
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A hug given very awkwardly. When giving a birth control hug, you usually only use one arm and extend it as far as it will go and only touch the other person with your fingers.
person 1- did you hug him goodbye?
person 2- kinda. it was a birth control hug.
person 3- damn that sucks. birth control hugs don't count.
by i'mboredsoi'monurbdic August 13, 2009
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When a woman takes hormone altering pill like birth control pill, she is very liable to have her fat stored in one place on her body more so than others. In this case her ass. This is far more than mere "junk in the trunk"
you uses this term when her ass is grossly unproportioned to her body.
Shes only taller than me when we are sittign down because of her birth-control ass
by Ghanandanourf August 18, 2005
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Last night I finally hooked up with Jenn, I didn't have a condom so we used Russian birth control.
by Johnybravo83 September 5, 2018
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