when you want to have sex with David Bowie and just wish you was his wife but you can´t because he is dead and was married to Man
I really feel like an cracked actor lately
by Rock n roll with Ziggy March 7, 2019
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A person that attempts to lie, cheat, or decieve, in a poor manner.Can be used positively or negatively.
Dad:You stole my beer didnt you?
Son:No I was moving it and they opened and spilled
Dad:You're a bad actor.

You wont hold up in court, you're a bad actor.
by freddyg November 5, 2005
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When an actor that was in a movie is then requested for a movie starring a friend of the lead actor in the previous movie.
Jay Baruchel(Knocked Up) experienced an actor pass when he was requested for Tropic thunder on behalf of Seth Rogen's friends Jack Black and Ben Stiller.
by theoriginalallison December 5, 2008
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Molaipathi of Tamilnadu aka Anil Joseph Vijay, who having a dump fans with bundles of Vadai Box office in Tamil cinema. He also called as an Adithangi of Ajith interns of BO & Frame.
Molaipathiye saranam Actor vijay ye yethirthal maranam
by Vadai Master May 26, 2021
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Leftwing extremist assholes who want to replace our constitution with the UN's constitution which would take away every one of our rights and freedoms.
I hope every leftwing nutball actor and actress in Hollywood get's raped and killed by horny mountain gorillas.
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When you see a movie starring the same person with the same costars and supporting casts you call the support cast "recycled". They are usually the buddies of the star off screen.
Ever notice in Adam Sandler movies Rob Schneider, Alan Covert continue to pop up as different characters? They are recycled actors.
by evilschmoo July 8, 2006
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Individual or entity with the prior history of being intellectually dishonest, or who has already revealed themselves as lacking objectivity but is operating under false pretenses.
“We already know you’re a “Bad Actor” Ken, you already told me you love Trump, so don’t go telling me you’re a Democrat making an objective criticism of Biden now.
by BlueoverRed August 13, 2020
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