A blonde female who wears Native-American style clothing. She is a never ending spout of spirituality, and regularly attends coachella and burning man after it "blew her mind". Widely known for guzzling frappuccinos as a life force claiming they are the blood of Buddha.
Unknowing male: I saw a really hot girl wearing tribal pants and moccasins today at school, she was talking about buddha. I'm in love.
Friend of unknowing male: So what you are saying is that you are into a basic bitch.
by buddhacoachellabroad May 10, 2014
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Yet another term used by society to judge women and their lifestyle choices.
Because, honestly, what would we do with our time if we didn't have socially accepted ways to demean and denigrate women for choices they make, even though those choices have nothing to do with ourselves or our own choices?

(Generally used by someone who sees the female in question as somehow less than worthy of their attention/admiration, usually because the female has decided not to have sex with them.)
"This female fits into stereotypes that we have pressed upon her for most of her life. It's no longer socially acceptable to hate fat girls, skinny girls, gay girls, or girls who have healthy sexual appetites, so let's make fun of those basic bitches."

"She likes the same things as a lot of other girls. Such a basic bitch."

"She won't fuck me. I know I'm perfect, and a "nice guy" to boot, so it must be her fault. She must be a stuck-up basic bitch."

"That basic bitch thinks she's special. She's so unoriginal. Unlike me, the hipster of all hipsters whose every thought and action is so fucking original and innovative that I might as well be a god."
by A_C_M October 8, 2014
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When you think you're more special than you really are.
That girls moves are lame!
They're ok , but she just a basic bitch.
by lethallisa February 23, 2015
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A definition of a girl who thinks she is awesome when she really isn't. Someone who is just being plain basic.
Guy: "damn did you see that brunette with those gorgeous blue eyes??"

Me: "oh yea that's Lana dude, careful though she's soooo BASIC."

Guy: "cant be too careful these days with them basic bitches around."

basic bitch brunette
by youngman65 April 10, 2013
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A Pumpkin Spice Ice Latte from any hipster coffee shop.
Me: I’ll have a medium Basic Bitch please
Barista: One Pumpkin Spice Iced Latte coming right up!
by mrlarezzo August 27, 2019
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Like so many labels (e.g., hippy, hipster, chotch) basic bitch is a negative remark about a person's consumption choices. Whereas a hipster my be viewed negatively for the amount of time spent on novel clothing, music, or food choices, a bb is viewed negatively for the commonness of those choices. Think Uggs, Starbucks, Taylor Swift, etc. Another apparent criticism is a perceived increased interest of using social media, which when paired with a more "original" reader/viewer feels grating. All this makes you wonder if there is some happy middle ground where your music is accessible but not top 40, your food choices incorporate a blend of traditional and nontraditional offerings, and your clothing is novel but not too novel. I'm sure someone will come up with a catchy label for that in due time.
-oh God, Chelsea has posed with duck lips at Starbucks every morning this week! What a basic bitch!
- At least she's got a job, bra
by Lu Dogg March 1, 2017
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