The term use to express a beautiful asian woman.

One who looks like a Goddess. is happy. Makes any man happy with her caring personality. She makes people smile when they are around her.
Su Ying's are often found saying words such as BRB and lol. Usually her BRB's last more than 10 minutes though.
Su Ying's will surely make great girlfriends
Dan: Did you see that girl glowing over there?

Dave: Yeah she's definitely at Su Ying status.

Dan: Well i'll go make a move then on my baby Bloop.
by IloveBloop June 17, 2011
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when a black person and a white person 69. It makes the shape of a "ying yang" sign, thus the title "ying-yanging"
When Tiger Woods and his wife (or other varius white chicks) are ying-yanging, the Chinese proverb who came up with that sign turns in his grave.
by nycbabe88 October 21, 2010
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A type of cactus with short spikes. Usually used to describe a hard, near-bald guy, that gets mad when his crush is mentioned.
by Dysteria December 23, 2022
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The definition by Chocolate dot is terribly mistaken. What it really means, is someone - a female, who is very honest, smart, and funny. A girl who likes romance and to have a fun time. Someone who is very cute and pretty as well. Believe me... I would know.
"wow. that girl is really pretty and amazing. What's her name?"
"oh, her name is Mun ying."

"well, i'd really like to get to know her better."
"same, she's just so amazing."
by siraemma February 22, 2016
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Chinese world view also rested heavily on yinyang principles. Yinyang was a philosophical view in Chinese society of a unity of opposites, each representing the greater and lesser of similar concepts, which one found in the universe. An example would be the yinyang representation of husband and wife. Yang are the dominant principles of maleness, the sun, creation, heat, light, Heaven, dominance, and so on. Under yin are the submissive principles of femaleness, the moon, completion, cold, darkness, material forms, submission and etc… This unity of one greater principle over a lesser one moves in cyclical path so that no single one is all dominant. These yinyang principles were part of a larger philosophical view of a cosmos (our universe) that was “self-contained, self-operating, spontaneously generating and perpetually in motion.” The Chinese viewed everything in this cosmos as a series of interrelating objects and forces that worked and “resonated” with one another, creating harmony and order. This proceeded off of the Taoist principles of a natural and unified cosmetic pattern.
Ying Yang Examples:
by Cameron Mulick September 16, 2006
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SiYing is a very shy girl but once you meet her you realize she's a crazy loving fun girl. She has a passion for music and is known for her beauty. Most guys would want to ask for her number but some are scared to be rejected by such pretty girl. She may seem like a bubbly always happy person but she may be going through some hard times by herself. She never wants to ask for help and will always try to find a solution herself. She never cries in front of anyone or that would mean to her that she lost her dignity. She loves her family and never judges anyone or talks bad behind anyone, she never lets hate take over her and when anyone does her wrong she won't hate them but instead she will forgive them. Si Ying can never be serious even during serious times, that causes her to lose friends and Si Ying would cry at night and act happy in front of others.
"Si Ying always looks happy but I caught her crying at night and she seems so broken"
by Dipsy_Wipsy September 16, 2021
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a fucking retard who throws all three of her flash spams into the room rushes in and dies most of the time
person1 "wow ying is so good I'm gonna become a ying main"
person2 "shut up your trash retard"
by Dr. Ghosty February 11, 2021
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