another name for a penis or if you want to get technical about shit a name for a little chinese guy no-wok-ow-de-de haha
look at that small wang... no i'm not talking about him i'm talking about his penis
by jonathan the great September 23, 2003
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(v.) The act of having sex, or doin the dirty.
Becker and I wanted to wang last night, but they were interupted by Kira's instentious groaning from the next room.
by hahaword December 11, 2007
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a very old chinese man who teaches you kung fu
wang will teach you kung fu young one.
by jarjarfinks August 19, 2003
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1. Online slang term for the penis.
2. A l337 sense of spiritual zen, or online "coolness."
"That guy must has so much wang, his wang must be huge!"
by Jacob Griffith August 16, 2003
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Another word meaning: Penus, or dic*
Sally:"Oh my god beckey look at his wang, it is so big"
Becky:"ohh my god he is so wangin right now"
by P-master.J-ville January 31, 2009
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a very popular surname in mainland China
"Dick Cock's new Chinese girlfriend's name is Manli Wang."
"That's cruel."
by mac hoser February 21, 2006
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To hurt yourself accidentally.

A combination of the word "Whack" and "Bang".
by Miss Marzipan August 17, 2008
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