Any labia but especially one of particularly dense flesh often the consistency and appearance of roast beef.
Is that a dude or a chick? I dont know. That fat package could be a dingus or a whole lot of vadge meat.
by Thornton Melon June 12, 2012
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the female equivalent of a cock block

(see Web)
"I was spittin my game at that dime piece, and then Web came up and was a total vadge badge!"
by Jeni and Mallory January 31, 2009
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Something shoved in a vagina for over a month and is released by a queef.
Person 1: Dude.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: My girlfriend farted out a vadge potato while we were fucking last night.
Person 2: Gnarly.
Person 1: I know right. I dumped that bitch.
by Trippy T September 15, 2011
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the ridiculous fashion accessory Christina Aquilera is wearing over the pussy area of her jeans on her 'Stripped' CD cover ... luckily this suggested trend never caught on
johnny : 'hey, d'you hear that new jam 'Dirrty' by Christina Aquilera? kinda catchy'
jill : 'yeah, but what's up w/ that vadge patch she's wearin' on the cover'
johnny : 'yeah, i dunno ... i dunno'
by dirrtyGirrl69 February 3, 2007
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According to an article about the death of natural birthing:

"With the latest feminine plastic surgery rage -- so-called "pimping the vadge" -- some women prefer what the British call the "Posh push," referring to the planned Caesarean births of soccer celebrity David and Victoria Beckham's three boys."
J.C., female: "I'm, like, TOTALLY gonna get a C-Section. I'm just not gonna call it 'Pimpin' the vadge'!"
by WAHmann July 29, 2008
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When you can see the chicks pussy though a bikini/lingerie but there is no camel toe
Dude check out that chick in the white bikini you can totally see her vadge pocket
by Weabs August 17, 2018
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