The strategy imposed by a manager where they seek solutions to reduce their own stress level, so that their relaxed mood trickles down to the rest of the employees.
"Ok ladies and gentlemen. I've called this meeting today because the stress level in our work atmosphere has been astronomical. I'm stressed and you're stressed. So what can you do to lower my stress level, so that your stress level is subsequently lowered? We need some basic Trickle Down Stress-o-nomics here."
by jerrycurlandtheactivators April 20, 2010
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Trickle Down Beta Impact Theory is the theory that beta males just let their fellow betas get beaten up by other betas and it trickles downwards into a society of 99% beta males. When the trickling occurs, there is no way to stop it. Whereas when an upward alpha male surge occurs, feminists are quick to jump in and shut down the movement. The Trickle Down Beta Impact Theory explains the steady dropping of testosterone rates and increasing feminine male behavior in society.
Guy 1: Did you see that black thug beat up the white guy working at Applebee's while all of the whiteys stood around looking on?
Guy 2: That's what I call the Trickle Down Beta Impact Theory!
by Eric Kazinsky May 12, 2016
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The theory that a male standing in front of a urinal--no matter how much he squeezes, pulls, pushes, wipes, or waits--has a 100% probability of urinating after he has already pulled up his pants and finished relieving himself. Being a theory, it is impossible to prove, but the experience of billions of men of all ages and throughout all time have almost made the statement a truism.
Alex (while relieving himself in front of a urinal): Hey, didn't Reagan say taxing the rich less would mean more jobs and economic opportunities for simple folk like us?

Ken (while relieving himself in an adjacent urinal): I think so. Well, hey, he gave it his best shot. Now hurry up, we're going to be late for the foreclosure hearing. (Zips up.)

Alex: Alright. (Zips up, then feels a trickle of liquid go down his leg.) WTF?? Damn you trickle down theory (non-economic theory)!!!

Ken: Haha. Got you again, huh? Looks like I was one of the lucky ones. (Feels a trickle down his leg) MOTHER#$%^*@!!!!!!!!
by Ryno247 October 20, 2013
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luxury realm acts, activities or endeavors done in the name of charity, especially those done, as luxury-seeking activists claim, to “raise awareness” of selected charities or maladies, most especially where there is no direct contact or financial gain for the recipient
The billionaire's daughter took an around-the-world cruise to raise awareness of poverty stricken children in her home town, a prime example of trickle-down largesse.
by ka the wordsmith September 19, 2015
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What happens when parents, not considerate of the fact that kids will be mean to other kids, say racist or otherwise discriminatory jokes and stereotypes between them or directly to kids, transferring the mindset to their children and feeding their bullying. Generally followed by the minority kids getting bullied for being different from the group, and so feeling increasingly apart, sometimes even turning to radicalism in response.
Trickle down discrimination typical case :

6 year old Kid : Hey dad there is another boy in my class who speaks French, isn't that cool!?
Dad: Oh I see! Haha you know, we call them frogs because they eat frog legs.

6 year old kid next day : Hey Frog! BAHAHAHA do you really eat frog legs?
French kid : ew no!
Other kids : Hahaha you do Frog!
by Itsinstrumentalmate March 25, 2021
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Only doing upper body in the hopes that your legs will get stronger from carrying that extra mass around.
Did you see Jake? He's lifting upper body five days a week with this new trickle-down lifting plan... I can't tell if it's working, because he's wearing pants.
by Defensivend May 29, 2015
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When your boy has too many hotties chasing him and you handle his overflow.
You got a girlfriend man? Shit now my trickle down pussynomics benefits gonna dry up.
by Voltaire321 September 25, 2017
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