A champion and strong card in clash royale, it's like the inferno dragon but it can only target ground and it has more hp than it. Also it's ability is that it drops a huge giant bomb and it goes digging to the next lane and the bomb dealing huge area damage.
My opponent kept using the mighty miner in clash royale.
by RandomGuyIsCool November 7, 2022
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a fictional shoe that does virtually anyting that was featured in a spoof Billy Mayes video created by thegoldentones on youtube.com
Hey man my pencil just broke can i borrow your mighty shoe?

"Mom were out of soap" "So just use the mighty shoe" "oh yea"

Did you get the new ipod touch?
No man I use the mighty shoe it has over 10,000 uses.
by thegoldentones July 5, 2009
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Paid Access Roblox game that consists of mindlessly grinding for over 5 months just to get good stats in it. Typically only played by sweats or tryhards who live in their mother's basement. Only fun if you know people that play it.
Person 1: yo lets go play basketball
Person 2: I can't bro I'm farming cash to train my stamina in mighty omega!!! i need to be good at the game so people pay attention to me!!
by Karliah March 13, 2023
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A person under 5"6 that will rip your head off if you piss them off
"Look at that shorty over there"
"Yeah some say shes small but mighty"
by Sweaterkid February 3, 2019
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Zote is a god and a thicc boy. He is a Minecraft letsplayer and only stream on Porn Hub live, he is a professional thicc boy. He is also the strongest knight in all the land
Bro, Zote The Mighty just started his stream and is about to defeat the enderdragon pogger
by Zote The Mighty December 16, 2020
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The act of spreading one's butt cheeks and throwing them together to create a loud "whacking" sound.
"Last night, I used my hands to spread my butt cheeks and whack them together. That is called doing The Mighty Whack."
by Tabey May 26, 2007
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