Having to go to the bathroom in the most urgent way but can't because there are no public washrooms for miles around. So you find a secluded spot to try and go pee in effort to relieve the pressure but at the same time you squeeze your butt cheeks so you don't crap your pants.
"John said he almost messed himself the other day while squeeing in the bushes by the park."
by Polarbare952 July 24, 2017
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squee (skwe-je)

One with high-pitched vocal tendencies

by Gwennyth Vallet April 25, 2006
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To squeal so hard that one pee's him or herself.

Squeal + Pee = Squee.
Typically "emitted" by Harry Potter fangirl.
by Self-Realized Fangirl. June 29, 2010
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An albino rodent from Aitrus the Younger's eDanna Age in Myst III Exile
Elaboration would spoil it for those who have yet to play Exile.
by Korora November 12, 2003
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see sqee please >< god i suck at spelling
erm... i was trying to spell squee but accidentally put in sqee
by lunarotimas March 1, 2005
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The semi soluble liquid mixture of jizz and poop that can be farted from from the anus following completion of anal sex. Some cultures view it as a delicacy.
Hold on to your hat, Georgia. I’m bout to Squee.
by TheRealRickStevens November 29, 2017
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